Chhavi Mittal answers common fitness questions on how to tone abs, increase metabolism

Earlier this year, Chhavi Mittal faced a breast cancer diagnosis and successfully triumphed over the formidable disease. The actor-producer documented her entire recovery journey on social media, becoming an inspiration for many. Beyond her battle with cancer, Chhavi consistently shares insights from her fitness routine and posts motivational messages for her audience.

Recently, the 42-year-old conducted an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Instagram, engaging with fans and addressing a variety of health and fitness inquiries. In the post caption, she expressed her intent to answer questions related to fitness and weight loss, emphasizing that these are personally endorsed practices.

Responding to a query about toning abs, Chhavi recommended Pilates, emphasizing that exercises engaging core muscles effectively strengthen and flatten the abdominal region. She stressed the importance of incorporating some weight training into one’s workout routine for overall body toning, asserting that age should not be a barrier to achieving a toned physique.

When discussing her ultimate fitness goal, Chhavi expressed her desire to maintain optimal health even at 90 years old. For new mothers grappling with post-pregnancy weight concerns, she advised focusing on diet control when unable to allocate time for workouts, emphasizing the importance of meticulous meal planning.

Addressing common digestive issues like bloating, Chhavi identified constipation and dehydration as the main causes. To manage bloating, she recommended staying well-hydrated and incorporating a fiber-rich diet into one’s eating habits.

Sharing insights on boosting body metabolism, Chhavi cautioned against starving oneself. She advocated for a balanced approach to nutrition, emphasizing that depriving the body of essential nutrients is counterproductive.

Regarding the question of exercising on an empty stomach, Chhavi highlighted the individual nature of this choice, recounting her personal experience of occasionally working out on just a cup of black coffee when hitting the gym early in the morning. She emphasized that the effectiveness of this approach depends on how one’s body functions.