Weight loss: Are you making these three common mistakes?

Even if your primary fitness objective is weight loss, it’s crucial to consider overall health parameters, as weight loss is interconnected with broader well-being. Unfortunately, many individuals overlook this aspect and, in the course of their weight loss journey, commit errors that have lasting effects on their physical health.

As we approach the year-end, with festivities and indulgence on the horizon, it’s essential to be kind to ourselves while practicing moderation in our eating and celebrations. Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, sharing insights on Instagram, highlighted three common mistakes people make during weight loss:

  1. **Postponing Healthy Habits to the New Year:**

– Waiting for the new year to embrace a healthy lifestyle is a common mistake. Diwekar emphasizes that the right time to start is ‘now,’ as delaying won’t diminish progress in the upcoming year but may actually accelerate it. If self-improvement is the goal, initiating the process today is more effective than waiting for a specific date.

  1. **Reducing Health to a Numeric Game:**

– Diwekar cautions against treating health as merely a numbers game. Losing weight at the expense of sleep, appetite, and happiness creates a lose-lose situation. She emphasizes that genuine well-being is the key to weight loss and encourages focusing on a healthy lifestyle rather than fixating on the scale. A balanced approach involving clean eating and regular exercise is more important than arbitrary numbers.

  1. **Avoiding Unsustainable Diets and Trends:**

– Diwekar advises against following diets that market themselves as ‘lifestyle’ choices but necessitate app downloads, product usage, or pill consumption. Sustainable living, according to her, involves fundamental practices like prioritizing sleep, minimizing unnecessary purchases, cooking at home, and enjoying meals mindfully. She underscores the importance of simplicity and long-term sustainability over flashy trends.

In conclusion, Diwekar advocates for simplicity, asserting that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not as complicated as it might seem. She encourages embracing sustainability and emphasizes the significance of respecting the body by making choices that support overall well-being.