Why it is absolutely important to cool down after a workout

Are you prepared for your workout routine after completing some warm-up exercises? Similarly, do you take the time to cool down your body after successfully completing those intense moves? MayoClinic suggests that cooling down is essential as it regulates blood flow, aiding in the alleviation of post-exercise aches and pains while restoring energy. This practice ensures that you’re well-prepared for your next day’s workout.

Highlighting the importance of cooling down stretches, yoga practitioner and fitness coach Nidhi S emphasized on Instagram, “Failing to cool down after a workout exposes you to the risk of both external and internal injuries.”

How does cooling down help?

Gradually reduces your heart rate: Abruptly dropping your heart rate after a workout can lead to feeling light-headed or dizzy.

Stretches your muscles to prevent injury: After your muscles have undergone strenuous activity, it’s crucial to stretch them while they are still warm. This elongates muscle fibers that have been strained during the workout.

Relaxes your mind: Cooling down provides an opportunity for self-reflection, acknowledging a successful workout, and allows your body to initiate faster recovery while uplifting your mood.

Varun Rattan, co-founder of The Body Science Academy, Noida, agreed and stated that following a mobility routine can lead to improved performance and reduced injury risk. He mentioned that it enhances joint range of motion, lowers core body temperature, and releases muscle strain.

Rattan recommended the thread-the-needle stretch to improve thoracic spine range of motion, aiding in body relaxation and cooling down.

Here are some cool-down stretches to try:

  1. **World’s Greatest Stretch:**

– Start in a high-plank position.

– Bring your right foot next to your right hand.

– Press your left hand into the ground, bringing your right hand overhead.

– Twist your body to the right side, bringing your gaze to the fingertips above.

– Reverse the movement and repeat on the other side.

  1. **Downward Dog:**

– Start on all fours, raising your hips with wrists underneath the shoulders and knees underneath the hips.

– Hold the position for 30 seconds.

  1. **Pigeon Pose:**

– From Downward Facing Dog, bring the right leg up into a Down Dog Split.

– Bend the right knee and bring that leg forward as if stepping into a lunge.

– Release your left knee onto the mat, ensuring hips are squared.

– Repeat on the other side.

  1. **Wind Relieving Pose:**

– Lie on your back, inhale both knees into your chest, wrapping the arms around the knees.

– Tuck the chin into the chest with the head on the floor.

– Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.

  1. **Garland Pose:**

– Sit in a deep squat with legs close and heels on the floor.

– Press elbows against inner knees, bringing palms together in Anjali Mudra.

  1. **Child’s Pose:**

– Start on all fours and then kneel with your butt on your heels.

– Bow forward, lowering the forehead, relaxing the neck.

When and how long to do cool-down stretches? Nidhi suggests including these stretches in your 10-minute cool down after any workout, especially a high-intensity one.